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Discover: CHEATAHS "Sunne EP"

CHEATAHS Share New Music
by Kelli Redding

London noise rock band CHEATAHS will be releasing their Sunne EP on February 24, a follow up to their self-titled debut album of last year. The EP is a jagged mix of layered guitars and sound distortion, creating a wall of sound reminiscent of classic Sonic Youth or My Bloody Valentine.

On his inspiration for the experimentation in sound on Sunne EP, guitarist James Wignall has stated,

Sunne is partly an attempt to encapsulate the feelings I had when I read The Sun Also Rises, a book that had quite a profound effect on me. We ran the guitars through a very cheap (and slightly broken) recorder onto old cassette tape, which evokes a bittersweet end-of-day feeling, as if the sun were setting."

CHEATAHS will be touring Europe this year, and also with Eagulls in the US over the summer. Listen to their new song 'Sunne' below.

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